Friday, October 26, 2012

Aramark Company Blog

Company Website

  • Feels like a very clean professional easily navigated website
  • Flooded with Company Achievements right on the main page
  • "In the News" Section very helpful, although perhaps a bit biased
  • Main Elements- About Us, Service & Industries, Social Responsibility, Careers
  • Also top links to- Press Room, Investor Relations, Contact Us, U.S. Business Sites, International
  • Very simple and easy to navigate
  • Google search term: Aramark resulted in 5+ pages on all Aramark links to their website covering topics such as students, employment opportunities.
  • Google search term:  Eric J Foss- Newly elected CEO of Aramark found numerous profiles and news articles regarding his appointment as well as his business experience.
  • Google search term: Aramark Products and Services came up with tons and tons of hits mostly again links to the Aramark website. Products and services range from food, beverage, uniform, health services, and even floor mats.
  • Google News search term- Aramark resulted in a number of articles ranging from new mergers and alliances with other wellness companies as well as coverage of Aramark philanthropic ventures i.e. employee volunteers "pitching in" at the salvation army.
  • Aramark website "In the News"- covers the newly elected Eric J Foss CEO appointment and also highlights Fortune Magazine naming Aramark as one of 2012's "Most Admired Companies" for demonstrating excellent in ethics, investor relations, and business practices.
  • Repetitive news coverage throughout periodicals. More awards and information on company mergers, acquisitions, sales, and alignments with a number of business.
  • Cannot find negative coverage regarding the company in this nor any other area.
Ebsco and Google Scholar
  • Ebsco search terms: Aramark resulted in 8,000 newspaper articles, 4,000 journal articles, and 470 trade publication articles.
  • All articles seem to highlight company products and services, new projects, new acquisitions, mergers, and what Aramark is doing as a company. Because the company is so large and does so many things it is hard to narrow down the company press releases from the independent journalists reports, but I still have yet to come across any bad press. Newly appointed CEO seems to be very experienced in the food and beverage industry after being CEO of Pepsi for a number of years.
  • In conclusions after scanning through hundreds of press releases and trade publications, I still feel as though Aramark is a business growing exponentially every year and they continue to branch out to new markets and are expanding globally as well. Forbes is one of the top business periodicals out there and for them to list Aramark in the top 100 most ethical business is an honor. I hope that I someday have the opportunity to work within the company to help better peoples lives all over the globe.

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